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The Charter Project Africa supports AU member states fulfil their commitments as outlined in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG).

The project encourages the use of civic technology to boost  citizen voices, particularly those of underrepresented groups. To achieve this, the project offers both financial and technical resources in the form of grants, expertise, and networks to initiatives in democracy at national level in 11 countries, as well as at the regional and continental levels.

The project builds connections between citizens and civic society, analyzing the ACDEG's role in achieving positive change.

The project is implemented by a consortium of six African and European organisations:

  • AfricTivistes is a pan-African union of bloggers and web-activists across the continent. It promotes democratic values, human rights and good governance through digital media. In the project, it assumes a major role in civic technology and digital engagement activities.
  • Code for Africa (CfA) is the continent’s largest federation of data journalism and civic technology laboratories with a presence across Africa. In the project, it leverages its expertise in digital democracy projects as well as its existing digital toolkits and will support the grantees in implementing their initiatives.
  • The Democracy Works Foundation (DWF) is a regional democracy support organisation, with multiple offices across Southern Africa. In the project, it coordinates dialogue and advocacy activities at regional level and supports grantees in the region.
  • The Gorée Institute is a pan-African organisation located on Gorée Island in Dakar, Senegal, supporting peace and democracy in Africa since 1992. In the project, it coordinates dialogue and advocacy activities at regional level and supports grantees in the region.
  • The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is a leading independent think tank on international cooperation, and has a long-standing work stream of policy research on Africa’s regional and continental governance initiatives. In the project, ECDPM assumes main responsibility for policy analysis & strategy development.
  • The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is a pan-continental network of European democracy support organisations, based in Brussels, Belgium. It supports democratic initiatives across the world. In the project, it is primarily responsible for the engagement vis-à-vis the AGA and acts as the consortium lead.


Femmes Africa Solidarité

Non-partisan NGO created by African women leaders in Senegal promoting the use of ICT in electoral processes

SIVIO Institute

Creating positive impact by promoting evidenced-based conversations via a Citizens Watch Policy ConversionTracker.


Tackling prevalent cases of electoral violence before, during and post-elections

Zambian Governance Foundation for Civil Society

Digital inclusion of youths in civic spaces in Zambia

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding – WANEP

Monitoring electoral violence through civic tech


Development of young people's political and civic participation through the FierVolontaire digital platform

The Clicking Generation

Internet & Social Media Use for Effective Political Campaigns by Women Political Aspirants

Tanzania Youth Vision Association

Youth-led, non-partisan, non-profit, and non-governmental and membership-based organization focusing on youth awareness raising and empowerment.

Nouveau Type de Citoyens (NTC)

Apolitical community of enthusiastic citizens actively monitoring Benin's development and governance & creating civic learning resources for positive social impact.

Mzalendo Trust

Enhancing transparency and accountability in legislation in Kenya and across Africa.

MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS TCDC)

Pan-African civic training centre in Arusha, Tanzania, dedicated to high-quality capacity development for social transformation.

Motheo O Motsha Society

Building a grassroots movement advocating for a New Constitution for The Republic of Botswana.

Lobby and Advocacy Youth Program 2050

Popularisation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance

Leadership Entrepreneur Game Show Africa

Combating unemployment in Senegal through capacity building and distributing tools of work via LEGS Academy

International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Nigeria)

Promoting Participation of Women & Women with Disabilities in the Electoral Process for the 2022 Ekiti & Osun State Gubernatorial Elections.

Instituto Politecnico Democracia e Desenvolvimento (IPDD)

Youth and democratic governance in Cape Verde

CivicTech Cabo Verde

CivicTech Cabo Verde promotes accountability in elections and governance via the African Charter for Democracy and engagement with ECOWAS

Citizens Centre For Integrated Development and Social Rights - CCIDESOR

Building an Abandoned Project App & a Scace-Tech App to track government wastage & strengthening citizens' advocacy & civic engagement

Centre for Civic Citizens Welfare and Community Development Africa (CWCD Africa)

Zabe Project: Building Trust and Promoting Credible Elections in Nigeria

Association of Bloggers of Benin (AB-Benin)

AB-Benin - Association of Bloggers of Benin supports blogging and ICTs hubs in Benin.

African Youth Development Fund

Not-for-profit development NGO in Nigeria supporting sustainable youth empowerment and rural development initiatives in Africa

African Child Project

Youth-led NGO focused on telling the stories of African communities and building bridges between Africa and the world.

ACLCVBG (Association Capverdienne de Lutte contre la Violence Basée sur le Genre)

Advocacy and Capacity Building Program Capacities for better involvement of civil society in the management of public affairs

Guiding Principles

To open doors for people who want to add value to their societies. Enabling access to the information and materials necessary for doing the best work and building upon each other's ideas and discoveries. Making more effective decisions and understand how they affect us.

To create local, national and continental connections among stakeholders in the technology, civil society and governance space and supporting the building of tools and networks. Fostering the exchange of competencies.

To strengthen civic engagement for improved public governance and evidence-driven accountability. Promoting the growth and development of effective use of digital technologies in connecting government and citizens, in public participation, in transparency and accountability and in delivering public services.

To contribute to stronger systems of democratic governance in African Union member states, supported by the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and enshrined in the African Charter of Democracy, Elections, and Governance (ACDEG).

Our resources

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Charter.Africa is a repository of resources providing insights in multiple formats and across multiple activities. It presents opportunities for technologists, civil society actors, policy bodies, granters and other users to interact and engage with content, news, events, information and community around Charter Project.

Civic tech encompasses initiatives that contribute to the development of citizens’ power to act and provide the necessary tools to improve the transparency of governance. Civic technology can help strengthen democratic processes and promote inclusive decision-making. But civic tech tools and services can only be built if there is the assurance of an adequate level of citizen protection from abuse, no limitations to freedom of speech and access to online resources and networks. While the ACDEG tasks countries to create conducive spaces for civil society – this is easier said than done.

There are multiple ways to join the network.

  1. Sign up for our communities and/or join the consultation experience. The Charter Project has a Slack Group to connect technologists to each other.
  2. There is also a Google Group for CSOs to interact and engage with one another.
  3. The Democracy Help Desk is available for organisations outside of the Charter grantees to receive guidance on their initiatives.
  4. We have a newsletter you can sign up for.
  5. You can also add your initiative, organisation, reports, and tools to the database.

Send an email to info[at]